BLOCK I (10:30 - 11:40 Uhr)
Material Innovation & Application I

Key pillars for the transformation to net-zero
Rie Kaneko
Manager Sustainability, Performance Materials Europe

New technologies for traceability in extruded and free-formed components
Derrick Zechmair
CEO, Fränkische Industrial Pipes GmbH

Direct processing of recyclates in injection molding – the energy-optimized way
Dr. Klaus Fellner
Team leader Circular Economy, Engel Austria GmbH

Intelligent Interior

Fusing exterior and interior cocoon for holistic user experience
Joachim Mathes
CTO, Comfort & Driving Assistance Systems

Changes & Challenges in Interior Lighting
Jan Piechotta
Software Segment Lead Lighting

Innovative adhesive solutions for the future of automotive interior
Imke Vogel
Regional Director Exterior, Powertrain, Interior & Chassis (Europe)

Automation & Robotics
Porsche: Syn-Fuels

Fabian Ehrat
Manager eFuels

SynFuels – Chancen & Risiken
Dr. Alexander Stubinitzky
Head of Hydrogen & Synfuels

SynFuels in the ZF driveline mix of the future
Didier Manning
Vice President Electrified Powertrain Technology

Sustainable Surface Material
BMW will discuss together with representatives from the supplier industry about the potential of decarbonization of heavy & light metals.Following the impulse note delivered by BMW, 2-3 enterprises from supplier side will present their take on the topic, ending with a discussion with the audience.
Restricted participant number: 20 persons max.


Upcycling von Lederabfällen und die Möglichkeit eines geschlossenen Materialkreislaufes durch NABORE
Rodewig Nägele
Head of Sales, Nabore GmbH

Touching lives for a better future
Alexander Schieke
Global Marketing Director

Strategic alignment of the Chinese and European automotive industry I
In this session, CIIPA (China Int. Investment Promotion Agency) and Generalkonsulat der Volksrepublik China in Düsseldorf will lead a discussion about the exchange and cooperation between the Chinese and German car industry.

Dialogue: Development opportunities from the high-growth NEV Market in China

Johannes Marschall
President Tianjin Branch FAW-VW

Dr. Christian Hort
Senior Vice President Automotive

Chinese-German Cooperation for Rotary Engines as Range Extenders for Electric Vehicles
Dr. Holger Hanisch
General Manager, Wankel SuperTec GmbH

Rolfhartge GmbH
Rolf Hartge
CEO, Rolfhartge GmbH